The Free Spirit School of Integrated Energy Healing (FSS) offers the combined forces of Diane Bloom and Rose Koremenos who, together, bring over 40 years of expertise in the field of healing practices, personal and spiritual development, and emotional freedom. FSS offers a unique and highly effective approach for both healing practitioners and those seeking personal change. We offer classes based in holistic healing arts and practices, bioenergetics, psychology, and quantum physics. Our classes explore energy patterns that promote health and wellbeing in the mental/emotional, physical and spiritual realms. We provide tools for change and growth that facilitate the creation of a joy-filled and satisfying life. Our students come to FSS for a variety of reasons – from the desire to open a healing practice to feeling stuck in unhealthy patterns or facing their fears- the bottom line is students come seeking change. Most importantly Diane and Rose offer open hearts for those who long to make a difference in their lives and for the world. The best ad for FSS is our graduates who continue to return and refer others to our programs.
“Where Shift Happens!”
Energy Work, Healing Arts Training & Personal Growth Series
NEW class starts April 6 & 7, 2024
Release * Uplift * Transform

What Does Free Spirit School’s Developing Consciousness Program Offer?
Creating Awareness: Personal Development, Taking Responsibility For My Happiness/Joy, Developing Subtle Senses Healing Practices, Skills For Everyday Life, Three I’s – Intuition, Imagination, Intellect
Recognizing My Potential: Breaking Patterns And Unhealthy Habits, Awareness Of Situations Which Create My Pain And Suffering, Recognizing The Fears That Continue To Inhibit My Growth, Understanding That I Have A Voice And A Choice
Who Would I Be If I Embodied This Course? Curious, Courageous, Conscious, Creative, Compassionate, Concise, Content
Who would I become if I had no fear?
Reserve your seat in this amazing circle of learning today!